Observation Dome

It's Pancake Day!

Yes, it's pancake day! Yes, it's p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pancake day!



Some good extras my loves. Shame about the release date though.

By Rad on 28-02-06 @ 16:14

Sorry, I really should have found a vaguely relevant thread.

Anyway, pancakes!

By Rad on 28-02-06 @ 16:25

Back home, we have pancakes with mashed potatoes and gravy, or Oxtail soup.
The first time I had gravy on my pancakes down here at Uni, my flatmates thought I was weird. Surely it's not *that* uncommon?

By si on 01-03-06 @ 16:10

Well, I suppose they're a bit like flat Yorkshire Puddings...

By Kirk [TypeKey Profile Page] on 02-03-06 @ 16:14

Exactly! It's the same bloody batter mixture, isn't it?

By si on 02-03-06 @ 16:59

I think it's uncommon, but, as you say, there's nothing wrong with it. I'd keep to the Yorkshires though - won't all slop off the edges then.

By Kirk [TypeKey Profile Page] on 03-03-06 @ 00:35

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