All we hear is, Radio Dwarf Dwarf
Nicked from my friend Gemma's blog; it appears that tubby, talentless DJ Chris Moyles played a clip from Psirens on his show this morning:
Lister: "...And worst of all, we're down to our last two thousand poppadoms..."
As surmised by Gem, this is most likely to do with Craig appearing in the The Games, which I really should get round to watching at some point.
I could have sworn I heard a DJ play that clip of Rimmer in Quarantine saying "Maaaarvelous."
However, I have no proof of this.
By Austin Ross on 31-03-05 @ 16:04
I watched The Games just to laugh at Craig, and boy did I laugh... I mean, how can the sight of Craig Charles in a nappie being thrown to the ground like a girl not be funny?? He he.
By performingmonkey on 31-03-05 @ 16:37
Chris Moyles isn't talentless. He's one of the best radio DJ's around.
Admittedly, my view is coloured by the fact he's a jingle freak, but I still find him very funny indeed. And he seems to genuinely love radio.
By John Hoare on 31-03-05 @ 19:28
Ok, fair enough, I shouldn't let my personal dislike of the man cause me to make sweeping statements.
By Cappsy on 31-03-05 @ 20:31
No, John's wrong. He's a cunt.
By Ian Symes on 31-03-05 @ 20:59
By John Hoare on 31-03-05 @ 21:35
He's the only DJ who's willing to play the old ABC ident for NO REASON WHATSOEVER on breakfast time Radio 1, he makes me laugh almost every day, and gives the distinct impression that he's just about to say something he shouldn't. So I don't think he's a cunt, frankly. He's improved so much since he got the breakfast show, possibly because he feels he's got more freedom to do what he wants. And the jingles are the best thing about Radio 1.
By Tanya Jones on 01-04-05 @ 06:56
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