Nech niki histan, kanua nahoo bahoo
Bless me.
Nicked from Jenn of the TOS Board: Steve Wickham's own rehersal script is for sale!
This man was undeniably the star of the Series VI DVD documentary Starbuggers after his excellent story about him molesting Craig Charles on set, so he deserves your money!
Would anyone pay that much for the script? What am I talking about! Of course someone would! As much as I would like to own it, I don't have a spare £100-200 lying around so.....
By performingmonkey on 25-03-05 @ 00:55
Would anyone pay that much for the script? What am I talking about! Of course someone would! As much as I would like to own it, I don't have a spare £100-200 lying around so.....
By performingmonkey on 25-03-05 @ 00:55
By performingmonkey on 25-03-05 @ 00:56
It's a fucking lot of money. Lovely as the man is, it's a bit much.
By Spid on 25-03-05 @ 10:52
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