Observation Dome

Pet Theory

I've said this before, but I think it bears repeating. As I think it's the perfect way to put closure on VIII.

The Movie gets made. It's a success. Another gets made. It's a success. A third gets made... and at some point through some tortuous plot device they go into a parallel universe where they meet the TV Dwarfers and wrap the series up in record time in about 30 seconds.

Well, it's - it's not much of a theory, I know, but, well... fuck you. I can live my own life in my own way if I want to. Fuck off.


I lost you on "The Movie gets made."......

Although, the only way the crew can be saved after Only the Shit... is either by Ace or by something like a parallel crew appearing. It could be done but by the time they get round to it they'll be 10 (maybe even 20!) years older and they might as well forget that cliffhanger and start afresh. Maybe the events of VIII could be shown to be a dream or group hallucination (sure it's been done before but it'd still be better than VIII). We could see a flashback of the cliffhanger and then cut to Lister waking up from a dream (well, a nightmare...), the other crew are stood around him worried, he says 'I dreamt we were back on Red Dwarf....the nanobots had recreated it in some kind of contrived plotline, along with the original crew, including Rimmer! And there was this...dinosaur and...a blue midget that could dance, and...' Kryten - 'Sir, you're delirious!' Then continue with series.

By performingmonkey on 20-03-05 @ 19:08

> Maybe the events of VIII could be shown to be a dream or group hallucination (sure it's been done before but it'd still be better than VIII). We could see a flashback of the cliffhanger and then cut to Lister waking up from a dream (well, a nightmare...), the other crew are stood around him worried, he says 'I dreamt we were back on Red Dwarf....the nanobots had recreated it in some kind of contrived plotline, along with the original crew, including Rimmer! And there was this...dinosaur and...a blue midget that could dance, and...' Kryten - 'Sir, you're delirious!' Then continue with series.

Maybe they could finally come out of the unreality pocket they went into while the future selves were attacking them.

By Ian Symes on 21-03-05 @ 10:00

That's the way I choose to look at it, Ian. As far as I'm concerned, VII and VIII happened in that unreality pocket. La la la la la la la la I've got my fingers in my ears I'm not listening...

By Seb on 21-03-05 @ 14:27

There's no way that Doug would make it so VII & VIII were an unreality pocket. Not that I would mind if he DID do it, but it would be like him admitting that they were bad and that the episodes aren't as funny or clever when it isn't him and Rob writing. He wouldn't do it because people would disregard them even more than they do now.

I don't think the cast would appreciate it either. Especially Chloe who just wouldn't be in it! And also Norman who was back (somehow I hate Norman in VIII. If Doug was trying to make it feel like old Dwarf he got it wrong. Norman would work in the Movie though.).

Incidentally, it's rumoured that the series Enterprise (which I dislike, though was a fan of Next Generation) is going to end with the whole series being a holodec simulation viewed by some Next Generation crew. I think it would be piss funny if Dwarf did the same thing with VII & VIII, that both series were TIV's.

By performingmonkey on 21-03-05 @ 19:19

> Incidentally, it's rumoured that the series Enterprise (which I dislike, though was a fan of Next Generation) is going to end with the whole series being a holodec simulation viewed by some Next Generation crew. I think it would be piss funny if Dwarf did the same thing with VII & VIII, that both series were TIV's.

It's just the *last* episode that is the simulation, rather than the entire series. Sounds bloody terrible; having the entire series would at least be vaguely interesting, but having it as just the last episode sounds a bollocks wrap-up to me. And to some of the writers as well, apparently...

By John Hoare on 21-03-05 @ 19:47



By John Hoare on 21-03-05 @ 19:52

Damn! I thought it was the whole series!! What's the point in even doing that ending if it isn't the whole series?! Personally I think Enterprise should have ended with Shatner blasting his way onto the bridge and executing the crew. He explains that when he died in Generations that was just a clone that Picard had met, the clone was replacing him while he was secretly sent back in time by Starfleet as an Inquisitor to kill Archer and his crew for raping the franchise and paying pretty much zero attention to Trek history. This is why they're never mentioned by future crews - Inquisitor Kirk erased them from history. The Trek timeline would then be in order. Well, maybe the Voyager crew should also be judged. Did they lead worthwhile lives? Seven series of bleh...

By performingmonkey on 23-03-05 @ 19:31

Don't give me all this Star Trek crap, it's too late at night.

By Pete Martin on 23-03-05 @ 23:08


By Ian Symes on 23-03-05 @ 23:10

I had a pet theory once. I loved that little theory.

By Cappsy on 24-03-05 @ 13:28

"I think it would be piss funny if Dwarf did the same thing with VII & VIII, that both series were TIV's."

Good grief, no. I utterly *hate* it when writers go for that cop out (Brittas, anyone?) even if it would party excuse series VII and VIII and remove them from Dwarf continutity.

By Cappsy on 24-03-05 @ 13:28

> I had a pet theory once. I loved that little theory.

*applauds again*

By Spid on 24-03-05 @ 20:57

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