John's Brain Plays Catch-up
"Britcoms get lost in translation." Fuck knows why the word 'Britcom' gets on my nerves so much, but it bloody does.
Anyway, apart from wondering quite how it's possible to get the transmission date of Series VIII wrong (why not just check it, twats?), one line got me thinking.
"The chances of a Red Dwarf movie actually getting off the ground will likely hinge on the success of the long-awaited film adaptation of that other great British sci-fi spoof, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, set for release at the end of April."
I'm not sure whether the success of HHGTTG is the only thing that will get the Movie funded, as that article implies. But I must admit that if HHGTTG does do well, the chances of Dwarf getting funded suddenly look a lot more likely. And stupidly, I'd never thought about it that way before.
What a twat, eh? But please do well... PLEASE...
Bit cheeky asking Hattie Hayridge whether Dwarf will return to TV...
And The Sketch Show was never going to work in the US. Mainly because the original was a pile of cack. Same problem with Coupling (which, while periodically 'clever', was never exactly hilarious).
By Pete Martin on 15-03-05 @ 10:09
Calling H2G2 a "sci-fi" spoof is unbelievably insulting. It never actually spoofs sci-fi - it's a comedy that just happens to take place in space.
Much like Dwarf, in fact.
By Seb on 15-03-05 @ 10:30
I just watched the first episode of Doctor Who (pirated). If Dwarf was made with these production values we wouldn't even need the fucking movie! The Who episode is great, and the ridiculous nature of certain things reminded me of Dwarf. It made me pang for new Dwarf TV. Imagine if Doug had never thought about doing a movie. Would we have had more series by now? Or at least a TV special clearing up the mess that was ...Only The Shit.
The BBC have thrown money into sci-fi. If Who is successful they will want Dwarf back, surely!
By performingmonkey on 15-03-05 @ 21:27
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