Nibbling at my toes
Ever wondered what Jenna Russell looks like? No, neither had I, but I saw this and thought someone might. She's staring with Ewan McGregor (does he ever stop working?) in Guys and Dolls in the West End at the moment.
She was in 'On the Up' with wee Dennis Waterman. Oh, how we laughed.
By Pete Martin on 02-06-05 @ 10:18
She was wearing them.
By Mr Flibble on 02-06-05 @ 13:43
She also appears in the final Doctor Who two-parter, 'Bad Wolf'/'The Parting of the Ways', as well as having a regular role in the BBC series 'Born and Bred' with Richard Wilson (which is on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays on BBC1).
By si on 02-06-05 @ 15:18
By Ian Symes on 03-06-05 @ 18:31
I'm very pleased that Jenna Russel will be in BW/POTW.
By Cappsy on 03-06-05 @ 18:36
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