Observation Dome

The Worst Plot Getout in the World

From IWCD:

"Since Lister realised he couldn't possibly go into stasis, on the grounds that the future echoes of himself has told him that he didn't, he decided he wouldn't, and instead he'd tried to make the best of a difficult situation. While he waited for the babies to show up, whenever and however that was, he elected to have some fun."


I suppose it's an attempt to explain why Lister's plan to go into stasis disappeared after Future Echoes.

By IanIanSymes [TypeKey Profile Page] on 27-07-05 @ 11:26



By John Hoare [TypeKey Profile Page] on 27-07-05 @ 16:41


It's very lister though isn't it.

By Karl [TypeKey Profile Page] on 27-07-05 @ 18:01

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