Observation Dome

Attention Australians!

Jonathan Capps as the Duke of Manchester. He's afraid he doesn't have that kind of money he's afraid.

So, enjoying the VII DVD, then?

Or have you returned it and written a strong letter of complaint to the BBC about racial stereotyping?


John, you'll upset the children!

By Cappsy on 08-12-05 @ 11:55

Oh, that was an AUSTRALIAN accent! :-)

By Andrew on 08-12-05 @ 16:53

Eh? I thought he was from Manchester ;)

By Kirk [TypeKey Profile Page] on 08-12-05 @ 17:31

Enjoying the DVD very muchly.

By the way, that was the worst Australian accent imitation I've ever heard. Well, second-worst: it's just after that one-legged woman in the flashback on "Lost".

By antipodean on 12-12-05 @ 05:57

Did anyone ever consider that it was *meant* to be bad, hmm?

I mean, nowhere did we actually say that the guy calling the office was actually an Aussie...

By Seb Patrick [TypeKey Profile Page] on 15-12-05 @ 18:50

"Just as all seemed lost, the office recieved a call from an Australian investor."

Have you seen the film, Seb?

By Ian Symes on 16-12-05 @ 11:03

Yes, but he's not an investor, either, is he? The narration just says what GNP *think* is happening. And if it said "The office received a call from some lunatic with a bad Australian accent, pretending to be an investor", it would kind of ruin the gag :-p

By Seb Patrick [TypeKey Profile Page] on 16-12-05 @ 15:14

But he *did* have a hat with corks dangling off it.

By Ian Symes on 16-12-05 @ 16:50

Also, he's an Australian with Lancashire ancestry. He's bound to have a spazzy accent.

Also, he's played by me and I could be out acted by a Victoria Sponge.

By Cappsy on 16-12-05 @ 21:21

I really am quite sorely tempted to create an IMDb entry for "Victoria Sponge" now...

By Seb on 17-12-05 @ 22:15

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