Observation Dome

The Trial

The first ep of Series 3 of The Brittas Empire - and for my money one of the best half-hours of sitcom ever produced.

I don't want to ruin it for you, but if you haven't seen it - go out and buy it. Now.


John is about as correct as any one man can be without falling over.

By Cappsy on 22-05-05 @ 23:16

It's just so beautifully constructed. Never have I watched a TV programme and within the first five minutes just sat glued to my seat, *having* to know how the programme gets to... erm, the point it has to get to. And genuinely not having any idea how they were going to do it.

And the whole thing is just fucking outrageous. I don't know how they got away with it on primetime BBC1.

By John Hoare on 22-05-05 @ 23:28

I was thinking of getting a series on DVD but I don't know which one. I'm fucking skint or else I'd buy more. I know it won't be seven because I remember it not being that good (where've I heard that before...). I was too afraid to buy series 1 when it came out because I knew that I'd probably end up getting all 7 series and blowing more of my loan on what my dad calls 'pointless crap'. So I just want one at the moment. Maybe I'll get series 3 then if this episode is meant to be good.

By performingmonkey on 23-05-05 @ 21:28

I'd suggest Series 2 to start with. Series 1 is great, but not as good as the others.

By John Hoare on 25-05-05 @ 19:47

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