Pieces Of Merchandise You'd Kill For
I want a London Jets t-shirt. My girlfriend wants a "D-D-Don't Shoot!" t-shirt.
I'd have a square-bottomed JMC tie, too, if you're asking.
Was the D-D-Don't Shoot!" t-shirt just a prop, then? I thought that it might be a publically available shirt...
By Cappsy on 30-06-05 @ 00:22
Well I've never seen them elsewhere, and as far as I know Mugs Murphy was created specially for the programme, wasn't it?
By Seb Patrick on 30-06-05 @ 00:41
Yes, it was.
By John Hoare on 30-06-05 @ 00:42
Ah, right! Good costume work, there.
The thing is about props as cool as custom t-shirts, is that they would have been taken home by various people after the big change from 2 to III. There's not much chance of getting them from Ebay :(
By Cappsy on 30-06-05 @ 00:45
I know.
But they could have been produced as merchandise!
By Seb Patrick on 30-06-05 @ 00:48
Design your own!
Actually... that's really not a half bad idea!
*goes to do some screen grabs*
By Cappsy on 30-06-05 @ 00:56
I had thought of that, but I wasn't sure if there'd be a big enough grab to give to a t-shirt making company.
But, Cappsy, if you can do the grabs, if you want, get them to me and I'll work on a proper flat design in Paint Shop...
By Seb Patrick on 30-06-05 @ 00:57
A fine idea.
By Cappsy on 30-06-05 @ 01:14
I seen London Jets t-shirts on e-bay
By iwarlord on 01-07-05 @ 13:00
So Jim Bexley Speed plays "Roof Attach", eh? ;-)
By Seb Patrick on 01-07-05 @ 14:54
Oh for fuck sake.
By Karl on 01-07-05 @ 15:58
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