James Bull TOSing
From James' pre-DJ report:
This year we have a special guest that has never attended a Red Dwarf convention, but has been tailored to fit this year's convention, seen many times on the DVDs, and is a star in his own right!
Howard Burden, then. Excellent!
Subtlety, there. Marvellous.
By Seb Patrick on 01-07-05 @ 21:35
I've mentioned my GUESS on the TOS WebBoard and James is keeping his cards close to his chest... I'm almost certain it's Howard, though. The 'tailored to fit this year's convention' comment has sealed it for me.
So, do you think he's going to be a decent guest? He seems like a jolly nice fellow but I fear he might not get a great amount of interest during the Q&A sessions.
Still, should be interesting.
05-07-05 @ 22:31
Or something.
From Ganymede and Titan on
15-08-05 @ 20:28
Read more in DJ Jazzy Chloe and the Fresh Burden »
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