Observation Dome

Good old IMDb.



Someone needs to add the documentaries!

By John Hoare on 12-02-05 @ 18:07

Jesus wept...

By Andrew on 12-02-05 @ 19:49

Haha, excellent! Is that your first entry on the movie database then, Andrew? You must be so proud! ;)

By Cappsy on 12-02-05 @ 20:55

I'd never done a Dwarf search on imdb before. It's highly interesting how they have Nirvanah up as a character in the movie. If there's any truth to that I wonder how she's going to be worked in..........what am I talking about, this movie isn't even gonna get made........must cancel negative thoughts...

By performingmonkey on 13-02-05 @ 19:44

Nirvanah, eh? Hmmmmmm...I hadn't noticed that either.

By Phil on 14-02-05 @ 03:23

A lot of stuff on IMDb is based on people's submissions. So someone probably submitted that Nirvanah was a character based on some wildly inaccurate speculation, or a flippant comment. Or maybe they've seen the script...

By Seb on 14-02-05 @ 12:35

The thing that gets me, though, is that she's not played by Jane Horrocks. (I'm too lazy to check who they actually have listed...but it's not her.)

I'd imagine a fan submission would have used the original acrtress?

Well, either way, I want this fucking movie to get made.

By Phil on 14-02-05 @ 13:32

Leila Johnson.

Never heard of her but she's been in a few things according to IMDB.

By Pete Martin on 14-02-05 @ 15:53

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